Monday, June 28, 2010

Knarlwood's Tips for Tails - WHINING

What is my dog saying to me?

The Knarlwood's poodle pack - Bonnie, Lana, Mak & Pinky - bark out a doggie tip to better your relationship with your furry pal.

Bonnie, a red standard poodle asks:
"Why do I need to learn PeopleSpeak when most humans don't understand DogSpeak."

Jodee Kulp,
author and certified dog trainer answers with a stretch:
"That's a good question Bonnie, dogs seem to be at a verbal disadvantage when it comes to spoken language. Body language and canine actions definitely speak louder than whines, howls, barks, and growls we humans hear."

"My noises are as important as words. They can be loud or soft, high or low. My sounds mean different things just like your words and when I mix them with body behaviors humans can learn what I am trying to communicate. Dog whines are a good example."


"Of course, whines express my emotions. When I whine I may be scared, upset, in pain, needy or having a great time."

"Tell me more about whining, Bonnie."

"I whined, cried and quit eating when my best dog friend died. That was my I feel really hurt and sad whine. I whined when my human got hurt and pulled on my human dad's sleeve. That was my I'm scared and I need more help whine. And I whined when I hurt my leg. But, not all my whines are when I am scared, upset or in pain."

"They aren't?"

"Nope, if I REALLY have to go potty I might jump around, whine and give my human some nose pokes. That means I need something really bad and I know it is not polite, but sometimes I even whine for a treat or when want to play."

"Yes, you do, are there more kinds of whines?"

"Well, I purr-whine and groan when my human rubs my belly or Mak kisses or bites me on my neck in the morning. And our pack's favorite whine is a whine-howl when the police and ambulance drive by our house. Mak sings bass, Mama (that's me) sings tenor and Pinky and Lana join right in with alto and saprano. We make quite the neighborhood chorus. It is such fun! Most of us dogs just want to please our pet parents. Whining dogs are not bad dogs, they are dogs with needs."

"That's interesting, thank you, Bonnie. Next time maybe you can educate us on Barking."